Friday, July 30, 2010

Funny story!

Today after taking our dog (Jac Pott) for his morning stroll around Ma'adi we were just in front of our building and guess who we met?? A wild dog I have not seen for a year or so. We used to see her everyday while out walking but then she just disappeared. I have wondered what happened to her and her "brother" a male puppy about her same age. Today out of the corner of my eye I see the locals trying to run off a wild dog, but I keep walking. Then right before we walk into our building she (the wild dog) comes bouncing up like we are long lost friends! Of course this scatters the locals who do well to tolerate our dog, let a lone an Egyptian wild dog. Jac Pot is of course as glad to see her as I am! She bounces around jumping from my dog to me with everyone standing looking at us! I have missed her she looked great, can't wait til we see her again! I can't believe she remember us and where we lived! I wish I had my camera ready! Sorry maybe next time!

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